
        Whether humans are born good or evil has been debated by philosophers for centuries. Aristotle argued thatmorality is learned, and that we are born as “amoral creatures” while Sigmund Freud considered new-borns a moralblank slate. Anyone who has read Lord of the Flies (蒼蠅王) will expect children to be complete sociopaths justwaiting to be freed from their adult-imposed restrictions to brutally kill each other. Maybe the two most famousopposing views on this debate are those of Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Hobbes described humansas “nasty” and “brutish”, needing society and rules to control their instincts in order to thrive; later Rousseau openlycriticized him, arguing instead that humans would be gentle and pure without the corruption of greed and inequalitycaused by the class system imposed by our society.
        However, developmental psychology studies show there may be some natural “good” in humanity (or, to bemore technical, that at least kids are capable of passing moral judgements at an earlier age than previously thought).To do this, babies less than a year old were made to watch a puppet show where different colored shapes acted inways that were clearly recognizable as morally right or wrong. A red circle was shown struggling to climb a hillwhile an “evil” blue square tried to push it back down. Meanwhile, a “good” yellow triangle attempted to help thered circle by pushing it up. After the play, the babies were asked which shape they wanted to play with: the evil bluesquare or the good yellow triangle. As you may have guessed, they all picked the latter, the triangle that exhibitedhelpful and selfless behavior. This applied even for babies as young as seven months. The scene replicates thefindings of a 2010 study which went further to prove that babies were choosing the puppets because of their actionsrather than other variables (for example, a preference or familiarity with a certain color or shape). When the showwas replayed with the shapes taking on the opposite role, the infants still mostly chose the shape that had taken onthe role of the helper.

【題組】25. Whose view on human nature may the study in the second paragraph lend support to?
(A) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(B) Thomas Hobbes
(C) Aristotle
(D) Sigmund Freud

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