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請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
        On June 23, 2016, the UK held a nationwide vote to decide whether to remain in or leave the EuropeanUnion (EU). The question posed to voters was simple: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of theEuropean Union or leave the European Union?” The Brexit referendum was the __26__ of years of debateand division over the UK’s relationship with the EU, touching on issues of national sovereignty, immigration,and economic policy. The campaign leading up to this referendum was __27__ charged, with the “Leave”side resolutely arguing that leaving the EU would allow the UK to regain control over its laws, borders, andtrade policies. The “Remain” side, on the contrary, forcefully asserted that leaving the EU would lead toeconomic uncertainty, damage trade relationships, and __28__ the UK’s influence on the global stage. Theresult of the referendum was a __29__ victory for the “Leave” side, with 51.9% of voters choosing to leavethe EU, compared to 48.1% who voted to remain. The __30__ of the referendum sent shockwaves throughthe UK and Europe, leading to the prime minister’s resignation and setting off years of complex negotiationsbetween the UK and the EU on the terms of the withdrawal.

(A) nomination
(B) animation
(C) allocation
(D) culmination

難度: 困難

倒數 4天 ,已有 1 則答案
如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/10/21):
2016年6月23日,英國舉行全國公投,決定是否留在歐盟(EU)。向選民提出的問題很簡單:“英國應該繼續留在歐盟還是離開歐盟?”英國脫歐公投是關於英國與歐盟關係長達__26__年的辯論和分歧,涉及國家主權、移民和經濟政策等議題。導致這次公投的運動受到了__27__的指責,「脫歐」一方堅決主張離開歐盟將使英國重新獲得對其法律、邊界和貿易政策的控制。相反,「留歐」一方則強硬地聲稱,離開歐盟將導致經濟不確定性、損害貿易關係以及__28__英國在全球舞台上的影響力。公投結果是「脫歐」一方取得__29__勝利,51.9%的選民選擇離開歐盟,而48.1%的選民選擇留在歐盟。 __30__號公投給英國和歐洲帶來了衝擊,導致首相辭職,並引發了英國和歐盟之間就脫歐條款進行多年複雜的談判。
culmination 指的是某件事達到了其最終或最高潮的階段,這裡指脫歐公投是多年來辯論的頂點。

請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:     ..-阿摩線上測驗