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請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
        Václav Havel was a playwright and dissident who became the first president of Czechoslovakia after thefall of communism. He gave a talk to the U.S. Congress on February 21, 1990, entitled “The Responsibility ofIntellectuals,” a powerful speech that still resonates with audiences worldwide nowadays. In this speech, Havelspoke about the moral and intellectual responsibilities of individuals in positions of influence, especially intimes of political upheaval. He emphasized the importance of truth, moral integrity, and the role of intellectualsin shaping a just society. This speech came at a pivotal moment in history, as the Iron Curtain was falling andEastern European countries were transitioning from totalitarian regimes to democracies. His words underscoredthe need for global solidarity, human rights, and the rule of law in building a new world order.
         Havel’s address had a profound impact not only on the U.S. Congress but also on the broader internationalcommunity. It reinforced the idea that the fall of communism was not just a political victory but also a moraland ethical triumph. Havel’s call for intellectuals to engage actively in public life and to hold governmentsaccountable for their actions resonated with many, inspiring a renewed commitment to democracy and humanrights. His words continue to be relevant today, reminding us of the enduring need for moral leadership and thepower of truth in confronting oppression and corruption.

【題組】31 What is the central theme of Havel’s speech?
(A) The duty of presidents in economic crisis.
(B) The role of intellectuals in society.
(C) The mission of leaders during wartime.
(D) The job of scientists for technological advancement.

難度: 非常簡單

倒數 5天 ,已有 2 則答案
如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/10/21):
瓦茨拉夫·哈維爾是一位劇作家和持不同政見者,共產主義垮台後成為捷克斯洛伐克的第一任​​總統。 1990年2月21日,他在美國國會發表了題為《知識分子的責任》的演講,這篇強而有力的演講至今仍引起全世界聽眾的共鳴。在這次演講中,哈維爾談到了具有影響力的個人的道德和智力責任,特別是在政治動盪時期。他強調真理、道德正直以及知識分子在塑造公正社會中的作用的重要性。這場演講是在歷史的關鍵時刻發表的,當時鐵幕正在倒塌,東歐國家正在從極權政權過渡到民主政權。他的演講強調了建立新的世界秩序時需要全球團結、人權和法治。
(B) 知識分子在社會中的角色。
K(113高普會計雙榜) 國一上 (2024/10/22):
What is the central theme of Havel’s speech?(哈維爾演講的核心主題是什麼?)

(A) The duty of presidents in economic crisis.(經濟危機中的總統職責。)
(B) The role of intellectuals in society.(知識分子在社會中的角色。)
(C) The mission of leaders during wartime.(戰爭時期領導人的任務。)
(D) The job of scientists for technological advancement.(科學家在技術進步中的工作。)
答案:(B) The role of intellectuals in society.

詳解: 根據第一段,Havel 在演講中談論了知識分子在動盪時期的責任,強調真理和道德完整性。因此正確答案是(B)。

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:     ..-阿摩線上測驗