全民英檢◆中級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)題庫下載題庫

Questions 32-35

Notice: About New Arrivals Film DVDs
Dear Students and Staff,
Welcome to Crestwood University Film Center! To manage our new arrival film DVDs fairly, please
follow these rules:
1. Borrowing Limit: You may borrow up to two new arrival DVDs at a time.
2. Borrowing Duration: DVDs can be borrowed for up to one week. Return them on time to avoid late fees.
3. Condition of DVDs: Return DVDs in their original condition. Damage or loss will result in a replacement fee.
4. Reservation Policy: New arrival DVDs cannot be reserved in advance. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
5. Identification: A valid university ID is needed to borrow DVDs.
6. Late Fees: A late fee of $1 per day will apply. Please return DVDs by the due date to avoid extra charges.
Thank you for your cooperation. Enjoy the films!
The Film Center Team
Crestwood University

【題組】35. Which statement is true based on the notice?
(A) The notice provides rules for a film theater.
(B) A team is responsible for managing the Film Center.
(C) A credit card is required to borrow a DVD.
(D) The notice covers all types of DVDs in the Film Center.

難度: 計算中

倒數 11天 ,已有 0 則答案

Questions 32-35Notice: About New Arrival..-阿摩線上測驗