醫學六:80題 ( 包括麻醉科,眼科,耳鼻喉科,婦產科,復健科等科目及其及相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )題庫下載題庫

38 下列那一位病人較不可能有子宮內膜異位症(endometriosis)?
(A) 19 歲女性,有周期性骨盆腔疼痛,以及不相連通的雙角子宮(bicornuate uterus with a noncommunicating uterine horn)
(B) 28 歲女性,有周期性骨盆腔疼痛,媽媽和姊姊都有子宮內膜異位症的病史
(C) 28 歲女性,有經血過多(menorrhagia)及一顆 4 公分的黏膜下肌瘤(submucosal myoma)
(D) 32 歲女性,有經痛(dysmenorrhea)和不孕的問題,身體診查發現子宮位置不易移動且後傾(fixed and retroverted uterus)

難度: 適中
Chris 大二下 (2020/05/11)

Factors associated with an increased risk of endometriosis include 

nulliparity,  prolonged exposure to endogenous estrogen (eg, early menarche [before age 11 to 13 years] [46-48] or late menopause [47]), shorter menstrual cycles (defined as ≤27 days) [36], heavy menstrual bleeding [36],  obstruction of menstrual outflow (eg, Müllerian anomalies [47,49]),  exposure to diethylstilbestrol in utero [50],  height greater than 68 inches [44], lower body mass index [36,44],  exposure to severe physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood or adolescence [51],  high consumption of tran...

38 下列那一位病人較不可能有子宮內膜異位症(endometriosis)? ..-阿摩線上測驗