
38. This delicious pizza ___________ various ingredients, such as tomato sauce, basil, and fresh mozzarella cheese.
(A) consists of
(B) composes by
(C) makes up
(D) constitutes

難度: 簡單
smile5210 大一下 (2018/04/22)

(A) be made of : 用....做的, 例 This desk is made of wood. (這張桌子是用木頭做的)

(B) be consisted of: consist應該不能用被動式, 所以沒有 be consisted of這種用法. 要用主動式 consist(s) of... 例 Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. (水由氫和氧組成)

(C) be composed of: 由....組成, 例 Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. (水由氫和氧組成)

(D) be formed of: 由...構成, 不過正確的應該是 be formed with, 例: This design is formed with triangles. (這個圖案是由三角形構成) 

(E) constitutes  要由小團體組成大團體

tomato sauce, basil, and fresh mozzarella cheese constitute this delicious pizza


38. This delicious pizza ___________ var..-阿摩線上測驗