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When children are involved, divorce is never painless. To _____43_____ the problems associated with divorce, parents need to maintain a stable environment for their children. For example, any fighting over finances or child _____44_____ should not occur in front of the children. Also, parents should try to live near each other so that the child has easy _____45_____ to both parents. To further stabilize the child’s life after a divorce, many parents now _____46_____ the “family home.” The kids do not have to change houses to visit each parent; _____47_____ , the parents take turns living in the family home. If parents just remember to put children first, then the effects of divorce on the children can be lessened.

難度: 困難
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2013/01/19)


visitation  KK[͵vɪzəˋteʃən]
訪問; 探望; 探視[(+by/of)]
視察, 巡視[(+by/of)]
(視為上帝的)懲罰; 災禍, 苦難[(+of)]
The villagers thought that the storm was a visitation of God. 村民們認為這場風暴是上帝對他們的懲罰。

YC CHIU 高三下 (2018/03/05)

(A)frustration  挫折

(B)nutrition 營養

(C)motivation 動機
(D)visitation  訪視

When children are involved, divorce is n..-阿摩線上測驗