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The police advise the motorcyclist to have an external lock and have the engine numbers  ______ on the motorcycle for greater protection.
(A) engulfed
(B) engrossed
(C) enhanced (
(D) engraved

難度: 適中
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2013/03/17)
(A) engulfed vt. 1. 吞沒; 捲入 The house was engulfed in flames. 這房子被火苗吞噬了。 The flood engulfed the farms and destroyed the crops. 洪水吞沒了農場, 毀掉了莊稼。   (B) engrossed vt.1. 使全神貫注[(+in)][H] She was engrossed in her book. 她專心致志地看書。 2. 用大字體書寫; 正式謄清   (C) enhanced vt.1. 提高, 增加(價值, 品質, 吸引力等) Beautiful colo.....觀看完整全文,請先登入

The police advise the motorcyclist to ha..-阿摩線上測驗