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The problem with wondering whether any TV series can replace The Oprah Winfrey Show is that the question assumes it is just a TV series. Sure, it started as one in 1986, when Chicago talk-show host Winfrey was another microphone slinger of the Phil Donahue School. But the show – which airs its last episode May 25, 2011 after a quarter-century – quickly outgrew the four corners of a TV screen. It became the most influential force in American publishing, a major product launch pad and the flagship of a media empire. Most important, it became, without any overt dogma or deity, America’s biggest unofficial religion, one centered on confession, self-esteem and, of course, communion, and it takes five days a week. Any Oprah highlight reel would be full of celebrity moments like Michael Jackson’s talking about his skin and Tom Cruise’s jumping on the couch. But fans’ fondest memories will be of the host herself. She publicly revealed her childhood abuse and her insecurities while maintaining studied boundaries. In outside interviews, she could be cautious, but for an hour a day, she gave her audience everything, including new Pontiacs. In the end, Oprah understood that the ultimate subject of each episode was the people watching it, and her confessions told fans that she was them – a woman with weakness and demons – albeit an ideal version. Other shows will give viewers the things The Oprah Winfrey Show did. But whoever wants to replace Oprah will have to do it not by copying her but by learning to embody her audience.
【題組】37. According to the above passage, which of the following statements is NOT true about The Oprah Winfrey Show?
(A) It lasted for 25 years.
(B) It broadcasted five days a week.
(C) She has an unhappy childhood.
(D) In addition to Oprah, there was another host for each episode.

難度: 適中
哈哈哈 高三下 (2017/05/30)

The Oprah Winfrey ☆☆☆☆     ...


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