醫學五:80題 ( 包括外科,骨科,泌尿科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )題庫下載題庫

40 林先生因為上腸繫膜動脈血栓(superior mesenteric artery thrombi)併腹膜炎切除大部分小腸,則下 列何者不是術後發生短腸症(short bowel syndrome)的危險因子?
(A)剩餘小腸長度小於 200 公分

難度: 困難
. 大三上 (2017/01/04)

切除空腸影響到的是如果大量食物近來★ ...

Chris 大二下 (2020/05/05)

The acute phase of SBS lasts 3 to 4 weeks and involves metabolic derangement and significant intestinal losses as well as gastric hypersecretion due to the lack of inhibitory hormones that are normally released from the terminal ileum. It requires close monitoring in the hospital setting to avoid sequelae such as dehydration with acute kidney failure, acid-base abnormalities, and electrolyte deficiencies.

The adaptation phase of SBS lasts 1 to 2 years and involves adaptive changes of remaining small bowel to increase the area of bowel available for nutrient absorption, slow down intestinal tr...


40 林先生因為上腸繫膜動脈血栓(superior mesenteric art..-阿摩線上測驗