40.有關系統性紅斑性狼瘡相關的肺動脈高壓的敘述,下列何者錯誤? (A)與抗磷..-阿摩線上測驗
1F Serena Choi (2019/06/06)
Thromboembolism has a high prevalence in SLE, especially in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies (which cross react with coagulation factors). In the series with the highest prevalence, trivial interstitial thickening was categorized as “pulmonary fibrosis” but likely represented the minor residuum of infection or inflammatory complications of SLE. Only 3% of SLE patients have clinical evidence of diffuse lung disease at the onset of systemic disease, and a disease resembling interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. 來源︰Murray P.1178-117... 查看完整內容 |
2F BSS_000 大一上 (2024/05/25)
雷諾氏現象是一種對寒冷或情緒壓力明顯的血管過度反應。臨床表現是肢體末梢會有界線分明的皮膚變色。肢體末梢會因缺血,變成白色、紫色,嚴重時甚至會造成組織壞疽,最後導致截肢。目前認為的致病機轉是肢體末梢及皮膚表面的小動脈產生局部缺陷,以致對刺激產生不正常的血管收縮,造成肢體末梢發紺。 雷諾氏現象目前分為兩種: 一、原發性雷諾氏現象 通常找不到潛在原因,病人會出現末梢肢體發紺現象,而沒有其他疾病的症狀,好發於15~30歲女性及有家族史的病人,其預後較佳。 二、續發性雷諾氏現象 同時合併其他疾病所導致,常見於下列原因: 1. 自體免疫疾病,如:全身性紅斑性狼瘡或硬皮症。 2. 血液性疾病,如:冷凝球蛋白血症。 3. 內分泌... 查看完整內容 |