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A slow-rolling series of storms that battered the American West this week brought snowfall and high wind on 
Thursday to parts of California, where weather-weary residents have already endured lashing rain, heavy snowfall and a 
destructive tornado. Since the wild weather began slogging ashore on Monday, five deaths in California and two in 
Colorado have been blamed on storms. On Thursday, up to a 1 foot (30 centimeters) of snow fell on Colorado mountains, 
and northern Nevada was expecting as much as 7 feet (2.13 meters) on top of the 2-3 feet (more than half a meter) that 
already had fallen. Conditions were improving on Thursday in Arizona, as water levels quickly fell in a Sedona-area 
creek that had fattened from a trickle into a river of mud, forcing a dozen neighborhoods to evacuate. Damage 
assessments were expected to begin on Thursday. 

【題組】In which state did the storms cause the greatest damage?

難度: 困難
已上岸農會 大四下 (2017/03/01)
Thursday to parts of ...


A slow-rolling series of storms that bat..-阿摩線上測驗