【預告】5/13(一)起,第三階段頁面上方功能列以及下方資訊全面更換新版。 前往查看


41. Which of the following is the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph below?
(A) The population of older people in the U.S. has increased and will continue to increase rapidly.
(B) Health care in the U.S. is without doubt getting better and better for older people.
(C) The increasing population of senior citizens is a serious problem worldwide.
(D) By American standards, a senior is a person who is sixty-f ive or older. _______________ In 1980, there were approximately 25 million Americans who were sixty-five or older. By the late 1980s, the number of these seniors had risen to over 30 million. This trend toward an increasingly older population, attributed largely to better health care, is expected to continue. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that the number of elderly Americans in the year 2020 will reach over 50 million.

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41. Which of the following is the most a..-阿摩線上測驗