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41-45 Most Americans do not realize that the tradition of Halloween comes from Ireland and Scotland. It originated from Celts who lived in what is now France and the British Isles over 2000 years ago. A harvest festival was celebrated on October 31st and it also marked the beginning of the long, dark, cold winter. People then believed that the spirits of the dead walked upon the earth in the darkness so great fires were built on the hills to protect the people from bad spirits. Turnips were hollowed out and put a candle inside. When people went outside, they carried them to protect themselves from evil spirits. When the settlers came to America, they brought this custom with them. But they did not have turnips, so they used pumpkins instead. Now, children especially look forward to Halloween and the carving of pumpkins. As Halloween approaches, jack-o’-lanterns pop up on doorsteps everywhere. 
【題組】44 Why did people carry a hollowed turnip with a candle in it 2000 years ago?
(A) They used the hollowed turnip as light source.
(B) They tried to protect themselves from bad spirits.
(C) They worked at night.
(D) They needed to keep themselves warm.

難度: 非常簡單
Yi-Yun 高二上 (2014/04/24)

骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2019/09/30)

Celt翻譯:凱爾特人(在羅馬人之前定居古代不列顛的西歐人), 凱爾特人(與在羅馬人之前定居古代不列顛的西歐人有親屬關係的人,尤指那些來自愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾


harvest翻譯:收穫時節;收割,收穫;收成, 莊稼(收穫;採收物), 收割,收穫

turnip翻譯:蕪菁(植株), 瑞典蕪菁(同swede)。


Jack-o-lanterns - 南瓜燈,鬼節的南瓜燈,作燈籠

41-45 Most Americans do not realize that..-阿摩線上測驗