
6. My husband and I were to see that so much food was thrown away after the wedding reception. Isn’t there any way to avoid such kind of waste?
(A) amused
(B) appalled
(C) contented
(D) exalted

難度: 簡單
fuyen523 國二下 (2014/04/27)
My husband and I were   ______________ to see that so much food was thrown away after the wedding reception. Isn’t there any way to avoid such kind of waste?
羅逸昇 大一上 (2015/04/15)
please put the blank mark in the sentence for answering the question
哈哈哈 高三下 (2017/04/12)

(A) amuse  給……提供娛樂,消遣

      He amused himself by playing the flute . 他吹笛自娛。

(B) appall 使驚恐,使膽寒

     We were appalled by the news of the war . 聽到戰爭的消息我們大為震驚。

(C) content 滿足的,滿意的;甘願的

       She seems content to live with him . 她似乎很滿意與他生活在一起。

(D) exalt 頌揚,讚揚

     The retiring professor was exalted by his colleagues . 這位即將退休的教授受到了同事們的讚揚。

6.My husband and I wereto see that so mu..-阿摩線上測驗