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6. Which of the following is a fundamental element of the sheltered approach to English instruction?
(A) Helping English language learners acquire academic English as they learn academic content
(B) Using home languages for content-area instruction until students can move into all English classes
(C) Teaching English language learners about English using translation and vocabulary activities
(D) Offering students instructional activities that will reinforce their communicative competence

難度: 困難
Doris Hsu 大一下 (2013/06/07)
Sheltered English instruction is an instructional approach that engages ELLs above the beginner level in developing grade-level content-area knowledge, academic skills, and increased English proficiency. In sheltered English classes, teachers use clear, direct, simple English and a wide range of scaffolding strategies to communicate meaningful input in the content area to students. Learning activities that connect new content to students' prior knowledge, that require collaboration among students, and that spiral through curriculum material, offer ELLs the grade-level content instruction of th...
Viva Lin 高三上 (2013/07/08)
Sheltered Instruction, also referred to as SDAIE in California, is a teaching style founded on the concept of providing meaningful instruction in the content areas (social studies, math, science) for transitioning Limited English Proficient (LEP) students towards higher academic achievement while they reach English fluency. This method type is often used in mainstream secondary classrooms where the students have a foundation of English education. A variety of instruction is used including the theories of Vygotsky’s proximal development. Instead of providing watered down curriculum for LE...
Yi-chun Hsieh 高一下 (2024/01/24)
Which of the following is a fundamental element of the sheltered approach to English instruction ? 以下哪一項是庇護式英語教學方法的基本要素? A:(A) Helping English language learners acquire academic English as they learn academic content (A) 在學術內容學習的同時幫助英語學習者掌握學術英語   (B) Using home languages for content-area instruction until students can move into all English classes (B) 在學生能夠參加全英語課程之前,使用母語進行課程教學 (C) Teaching English language learners about English using translation and vocabulary activities (C) 透過翻譯和詞彙活動教導英語學習者有關英語的...

6. Which of the following is a fundament..-阿摩線上測驗