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42.Deer are the only animals with bones sticking out of their heads. Some animals have horns, but horns aren’t bones. They are more like fingernails. Deer have true bones. Every year two new bones grow from the top of a deer’s head. At first the bones are soft and covered with skin. Later the skin dries up. The deer rubs off the skin. The bones get hard. The deer uses these horns for fighting. The passage mainly tells __________.
(A) what deer like to use for fighting
(B) how deer grow bones out of their heads
(C) which animals have horns on their heads
(D) why deer have fingernails

難度: 非常簡單
Leo 高三上 (2013/05/27)
deer 鹿.....看完整詳解
阿哲 大四上 (2016/05/23)

42.Deer are the onlyanimalswithbonessticking out of theirheads. Someanimalshavehorns, but hornsaren’t bones. They are morelikefingernails. Deerhavetruebones. Everyyear two new bonesgrowfrom the top of a deer’s head. At first the bones are soft and coveredwithskin. Later the skindries up. The deerrubs off the skin. The bones get hard. The deerusesthesehorns for fighting. The passagemainlytells __________.


李浩銘 研二下 (2019/03/06)

They are more like fingernails. 他們(牛角)更像是指甲。

42.Deer are the only animals with bones ..-阿摩線上測驗