42 有關雙眼固視偏差(fixation disparity)的檢查,下列何者最..-阿摩線上測驗
小v(邀請碼132476) 高二上 (2021/08/18): Test of fixation disparity [22]. The central target “ OXO ” is seen with both eyes, the upper and lower bar only to one eye due to cross-polaroid filters. A fixation disparity is indicated by a displacement of the monocular bars from their alignment with the Xhttps://www.researchgate.net/figure/Test-of-fixation-disparity-22-The-central-target-OXO-is-seen-with-both-eyes-the_fig3_7897969 | 6個讚 | 檢舉 |
42 有關雙眼固視偏差(fixation disparity)的檢查,下列何者最..-阿摩線上測驗
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