
42. “Sneakers were invented more than 100 years ago. They were called croquet sandals. They cost five times as much as other shoes, so only rich people wore them. Then a company began to make tennis oxfords. Most people could afford these. They were very popular. Soon special sneakers were made for other sports, such as running. Now we have all sorts of sneakers.” The passage mainly tells _______.
(A) who could buy croquet sandals
(B) when sneakers were invented
(C) what the difference is between sneakers and running shoes
(D) how sneakers have changed through the years

難度: 非常簡單
Cherry Lin 高二上 (2019/05/19)

皇冠會掉 大一上 (2019/05/21)

以前運動鞋很貴They cost ☆☆☆☆ ...

Yiyin Wang 大一下 (2020/06/07)

Sneakers were invented more than 100 years ago. They were called croquet sandals. They cost five times as much as other shoes, so only rich people wore them. Then a company began to make tennis oxfords. Most people could afford these. They were very popular. Soon special sneakers were made for other sports, such as running. Now we have all sorts of sneakers.” The passage mainly tells _______.

(A) who could buy croquet sandals

(B) when sneakers were invented

(C) what the difference is between sneakers and running shoes

(D) how sneakers have changed through the years .

運動鞋是100多年前發明的。 他們...


42. “Sneakers were invented more than 10..-阿摩線上測驗