
The world’s forests are gradually shrinking, especially in poorer countries. This
unfortunate situation is _____1_____. the result of a mix of bad policies, population
growth and poverty. Most of the bad news has come from South America, 
particularly Brazil, but richer regions such as Australia are also affected. War 
zones are particularly _____2_____. In South-East Asia, illegal logging flourishes, and 
Indonesia’s orangutans are among the species that have suffered from it. In 
addition to its effect on biodiversity, poor forestry management also plays a part 
in causing big fires, although improved _____3_____. techniques are being developed.
In addition to good management, and cooperation between government, 
industry and environmentalists, the conservation of forests can be aided by _____4_____. . One day, genetically engineered trees may make plantations faster to mature and more economically viable, and thus _____5_____. the pressure to hack down wilderness 

【題組】 1.

難度: 適中
Dex Shih 高三上 (2013/07/21)
The world’s forests are gradually shrinking, especially in poorer countries. This
unfortunate situation is ________ the result of a mix of bad policies, population
growth and poverty.
Cou Cty 國二下 (2014/03/25)

The new servant was decently dressed .  

The world’s forests are gradually shrink..-阿摩線上測驗