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43 The US is not a homogeneous country, and each state has a different appetite for different things, which poses a challenge for other countries that wish to target the US market.

(A)The US is particularly challenging for foreign businesses that are unaware of the homogeneous taste of the US market.

(B)Countries that prefer regional differences will have greater success in the US market because it is not a homogeneous country.
(C)The US market shows that foreign businesses that are not familiar with regional preferences can be successful in a homogeneous counrty.

(D)Other countries that are not familiar with US regional preferences find it challenging to target the US market due to its non-homogeneous nature.

難度: 適中
中華電信要上榜!!! 高三下 (2015/03/24)

43The US is not a homogeneous country, a..-阿摩線上測驗