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    During courtships, young couples tend to neglect differences that in the long run will bring disharmony or even ruin to their marriages. These differences can 42 trivialities such as the way one squeezes toothpaste out of a tube to more vital issues like budgeting for familial expenses. And today, more and more couples have 43 clinical psychologists for advice on their different attitudes toward housekeeping when quite a few marriages are actually wrecked because of this neat-messy issue. An old friend of mine happened to be a 44 of it. She kept stray dogs attracting hosts of flies, scattered things around the house, left the front yard unattended, etc., 45 her ex-husband deeply resented all these. She and her ex-husband had been seeing marriage counselors for years before they finally got divorced. So, roadblocks to a happy marriage? Well, they can be anything you can think of. 
(A)circle around
(B)deal with
(C)amount to
(D)range from

難度: 適中
嗡阿喇巴札那諦(Lin) 大一下 (2017/04/28)
(A)circle around 周圍環★;★★★★(☆)...

Dorothy 高二上 (2019/03/04)

UJ 大三上 (2021/09/26)

These differences can 42 trivialities such as the way one squeezes toothpaste out of a tube to more vital issues like budgeting for familial expenses. 

range from ... to ...

ph. 在從…到…的範圍內變化

Typical cure temperatures range from 125 to 175℃.


    During courtships, young couples ten..-阿摩線上測驗