
43-46 For many, summer is the time to shed the extra pounds piled on all winter. But for some of those trying to lose weight, there’s often this one spot on their body that just won’t let go of that fat. It turns out there’s a genetic reason for this and the information is proving helpful to researchers trying to learn who is at risk for diabetes. Dr. Ronald Kahn, president of Boston’s Joslin Diabetes Center, says the research stems from basic questions people ask of him. He explains, “People ask me as a diabetes and obesity expert, … ‘Doctor, why is it that when I gain weight it always goes to my belly?’ Or, ‘When I lose weight my face gets thin and my hips stay big?’” Kahn and his team have identified genes that match up to where our bodies store fat. Kahn said fat location is an important risk factor in developing diabetes. He said, “When fat is inter-abdominal—that is, inside our bellies, the so-called beer belly type of obesity—this fat creates more insulin resistance. And remember that insulin is the major hormone that controls our blood sugar.” He said doctors might one day be able to analyze someone’s genes and warn those with the greatest disposition for large bellies. 閱讀上文,回答第 43題至第 46 題
【題組】45 What does “disposition” in the last sentence mean?
(B) Defense.
(C) Discrimination.
(D) Inheritance.

難度: 適中
Jannie 小四下 (2014/04/12)
(A)Tendency. 傾向(B) Defense. 防禦(C) D.....看完整詳解
林帕可 國二上 (2014/04/25)
disposition 性格

43-46 For many, summer is the time to s..-阿摩線上測驗