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專技 - 調劑學與臨床藥學題庫下載題庫

61 下列那一項治療偏頭痛的 triptan 類藥品不是經由 MAO 代謝?
(A) Sumatriptan
(B) Naratriptan
(C) Zolmitriptan
(D) Rizatriptan

難度: 困難
Bryan 國三上 (2014/02/28)
Naratriptan is predominantly eliminated in urine, with 50% of the dose recovered unchanged and 30% as metabolites in urine. In vitro, Naratriptan is metabolized by a wide range of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes into a number of inactive metabolites.

61 下列那一項治療偏頭痛的 triptan 類藥品不是經由 MAO 代謝? ..-阿摩線上測驗