44 下列何者並非國際書目標準著錄(ISBD)所規範的內容? (A)標點符號(..-阿摩線上測驗
![]() | 1F Pei-111上岸謝謝阿摩 大三下 (2011/12/08)
ISBD的記錄結構 The ISBD prescribes eight areas of description. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Each area, except area 7, is composed of multiple elements with structured classifications. ISBD的規定八個領域的說明。 [2] [3]除第7區的每個區,是多個元素組成與結構分類。 Elements and areas that do not apply to a particular resource are omitted from the description.元素和地區,並不適用於特定的資源被忽略的描述。 Standardized punctuation (colons, semicolons, slashes, dashes, commas, and periods) is used to identify and separate the elements and areas.標準化標點符號的冒號,分號,斜線,破折號,逗號,和句號是用來識別和區分的... 查看完整內容 ISBD的記錄結構 The ISBD prescribes eight areas of description. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Each area, except area 7, is composed of multiple elements with structured classifications. ISBD的規定八個領域的說明。 [2] [3]除第7區的每個區,是多個元素組成與結構分類。 Elements and areas that do not apply to a particular resource are omitted from the description.元素和地區,並不適用於特定的資源被忽略的描述。 Standardized punctuation (colons, semicolons, slashes, dashes, commas, and periods) is used to identify and separate the elements and areas.標準化標點符號的冒號,分號,斜線,破折號,逗號,和句號是用來識別和區分的元素和地區。 The order of elements and standardized punctuation make it easier to interpret bibliographic records when one does not understand the language of the description.元素的順序和規範化的標點符號,使其更容易解釋的書目記錄,當一個人不理解的語言描述。
44 下列何者並非國際書目標準著錄(ISBD)所規範的內容? (A)標點符號(..-阿摩線上測驗
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