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    Linsey Knerl doesn't get out much anymore. A free-lance copywriter and mother of four from Tekamah, Ned., Knerl has cut back trips to the movie theaters and restaurants as well as days at the zoo with her kids. Fun is now a DVD from Netflix or a family board-game night. She cooks at home most evenings and has hoarded six months' worth of meat in her freezer to reduce trips to the grocery store and save gas money. "We made a conscious decision that we couldn't go out to eat two or three times a week anymore, " says Knerls, whose husband stays home to help raise their kids. 
     Start stockpiling your canned goods, America. We're quickly becoming a country of cocooners, to borrow a term that retail analysts use to describe consumers who nest at home to shave expenses. It's a profound reversal of the consumption habits that helped fuel the economic crisis in the first place. "It's about getting back to basics," says cocooner Stan McClain, who owns a studio-supplies store in Burbank, Calif., and has drastically cut back his restaurant spending and tore up his driveway to turn it into a vegetable garden. "By going backward, you can actually go forward responsibly."

【題組】38.Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Linsey and her family used to eat out more "than" twice every week
(B) Americans' consumption habits have positively contributed to the US economy.
(C) Linsey's husband enjoys taking care of the kids and house chore.
(D) Americans buy a lot of canned goods in the face of economic recession.

難度: 困難
必考上! 大三上 (2017/12/04)


糖衣 高二下 (2018/01/11)

we couldn't go out to eat two or three times a week anymore, " says Knerls,


題組】38.Which of the following statements is true? 
(A) Linsey and her family used to eat out more "than" twice every week 


Used to表過去習慣

C_K 大三上 (2018/10/09)

(C) Linsey's husband enjoys taking care of the kids and house chore. 


    Linsey Knerl doesn't get out much an..-阿摩線上測驗