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醫學一:100題 ( 包括解剖學,胚胎學,組織學,微生物免疫學,寄生蟲學,公共衛生學等科目及其臨床相關知識 )題庫下載題庫

45 關於 Actinomyces 之敘述,下列何者正確?

難度: 簡單
Chris 大二下 (2018/07/02)

Actinomyces organisms are facultatively anaerobic or strictly anaerobic gram-positive rods.  They grow slowly in culture, and they tend to produce chronic, slowly developing infections. Actinomyces  organisms  colonize  the  upper  respiratory, GI, and female genital tracts but are not normally present on the skin surface. The organisms have a low virulence potential and cause disease only when the normal mucosal barriers are disrupted by trauma, surgery, or infection. Infections caused by actinomycetes are endogenous, with no evidence of person-to-person spread or disease originating fr...


45 關於 Actinomyces 之敘述,下列何者正確? (A)為兼性或絕對..-阿摩線上測驗