
46 題至第 50 題:
        Many last names have been handed down for hundreds of years. The first person called Shepard may __46__ a shepherd in the fields. The first person named Taylor was probably a tailor, cutting and __47__ clothes for his neighbors. These names are __48__ names because they described what a man did for a living. There are lots of names of this type still __49__ though they may not describe the man’s job today. Some last names are descriptive names. Perhaps the first person with the surname of Hardy was a strong man who could hunt and fish __50__ hours without feeling tired. There are other descriptive names, too, like Short and Longfellow.


難度: 簡單

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
台中大雅家教-睿智數學及英 研一下 (2023/06/17):
解答:本題考sewing 相似音,4個都長很像,關鍵:a tailor,cutting and _____ clothes,抓後面clothes 衣服,前面抓a tailor 裁縫師,裁縫師當然縫衣服,縫 sewing,選B正解。

A sawing 正在鋸

B.sewing 正在縫
C.suing 正起訴
D.sowing 正播種


46 題至第 50 題:         Many last names hav..-阿摩線上測驗