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  The phoenix was, according to legend, a bird which died in a fire but came out of the flames alive. In ancient Egypt, the phoenix was connected with the worship of the sun. 
  According to some stories, it was like a large eagle, with red and gold feathers. It lived for hundreds, or even thousands of years. But when its death was near, it built a nest of the scented branches of trees and spices. It then sang a beautiful, haunting and sad song, and fanned the nest until it burst into flames. The phoenix died in the fire it had made, but from the flames and ashes came a new phoenix, which would live for many years. 
  In other legends, the phoenix was like an Egyptian heron called the bennu. It was also associated with the worship of the sun and is found carved on ancient Egyptian monuments as a symbol of the rising sun and life after death. Because the phoenix was regarded as immortal, it was adopted by the Christian Church as a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus and of eternal life. It has also been used as a sign over chemists’ shops from its association with alchemy and the search for immortality.

【題組】49 What did a phoenix do in preparation for its death?
(A) It kept singing until it was completely exhausted.
(B) It built a nest and then burned it.
(C) It migrated to where the grass was greener.
(D) It built a fire and burned its mate along with itself.

難度: 適中
唐宗琦 高二下 (2012/08/04)
這題是閱讀測驗 鳳凰中外皆有 此指的是埃及神話中的鳳凰 有玩過神話世紀的人應該不用看閱讀測驗原文也可猜出答案XD (鳳凰被敵人擊殺之後 可以花費金錢讓牠浴火重生 繼續戰鬥)


The phoenix was, according to legend, a bird which died in a fire but came out of the flames alive. In ancient Egypt, the phoenix was connected with the worship of the sun. According to some stories, it was like a large eagle, with red and gold feathers. It lived for hundreds, or even thousands of years. But when its death was near, it built a nest of the scented branches of trees and spices. It then sang a beautiful, haunting...
Erik Pine 高一上 (2012/08/14)
Shi Jou 大三下 (2013/01/16)



  The phoenix was, according to legend, ..-阿摩線上測驗