

53. In the movie "Extraordinary Measures," Harrison Ford portrays a character who admires Dr. Chen Yuan-Tong, an academician renowned for his work in solving the puzzle of Pompe discase. Pompe disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness that progressively worsens over time. Dr. Chen Yuan-Tong was able to solve the mystery of Pompe disease by using Lorenzo's oil. Could you identify which of the following mechanisms and deficiency enzymes are incorrect based on Pompe disease?
(A) muscle-type of the glycogen phosphorylase, GSD-V
(B) acid alpha-glucosidase, GSD-II
(C) allows glycogen to build up to toxic levels in the lysosome
(D) a deficiency in liver glycogen phosphorylase

53. In the movie "Extraordinary Measures..-阿摩線上測驗