
43-46 For many, summer is the time to shed the extra pounds piled on all winter. But for some of those trying to lose weight, there’s often this one spot on their body that just won’t let go of that fat. It turns out there’s a genetic reason for this and the information is proving helpful to researchers trying to learn who is at risk for diabetes. Dr. Ronald Kahn, president of Boston’s Joslin Diabetes Center, says the research stems from basic questions people ask of him. He explains, “People ask me as a diabetes and obesity expert, … ‘Doctor, why is it that when I gain weight it always goes to my belly?’ Or, ‘When I lose weight my face gets thin and my hips stay big?’” Kahn and his team have identified genes that match up to where our bodies store fat. Kahn said fat location is an important risk factor in developing diabetes. He said, “When fat is inter-abdominal—that is, inside our bellies, the so-called beer belly type of obesity—this fat creates more insulin resistance. And remember that insulin is the major hormone that controls our blood sugar.” He said doctors might one day be able to analyze someone’s genes and warn those with the greatest disposition for large bellies. 閱讀上文,回答第 43題至第 46 題
【題組】43 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)Diabetes comes from extra pounds.
(B)Your weight can be genetically determined.
(C)The belly is where your fat is stored.
(D) Prepare for the summer while you are in the winter.

難度: 簡單
Bonnie Xu 高三下 (2014/06/14)
對於許多人來說,夏天是擺脫整個冬天所堆積下來的額外磅數的時刻。但對於那些試圖減肥的人來說,常會發生無法擺脫脂肪的情況。原來,是遺傳基因所致,而且這項資訊有助於研究者瞭解哪些人有罹患糖尿病的風險。 Boston’s Joslin糖尿病中心教授Dr. Ronald Kahn說,這項研究報告起源於人們問他的基本問題。他解釋道:許多人把我當糖尿病和肥胖專家般問我…「醫生,為什麼當我體重上升時,總是胖在肚子?」或者「當我減肥,我的臉有變瘦,但臀部卻依然很大?」 Kahn和他的團隊已經發現,基因,會影響我們身體把脂肪儲存於哪個部位。他說:脂肪的位置是患糖尿病的重要危險因素。當脂肪在腹內(也就是在我們的肚子裡面,所謂的「啤酒肚型肥胖」)這種脂肪產生更多胰島素抵抗。請記住,胰島素是控制我.....看完整詳解
王者風範,寄予政風,文武雙 高一上 (2014/03/29)

43-46 For many, summer is the time to s..-阿摩線上測驗