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54-55題為題組 George Bernard Shaw and Winston Churchill apparently disliked each other. It is said that the playwright once sent Churchill two tickets for the opening night of one of his plays, together with a card, which said, “Bring a friend (if you have one).” Churchill, however, managed to get the better of this exchange. He returned the tickets, enclosing a note, which said, “I shall be busy that evening. Please send me two tickets for the second night (if there is one).” There is no record of whether Shaw ever sent the tickets.
【題組】55. Why didn’t Churchill want the tickets for the first night?
(A) He didn’t want to take Shaw’s insult.
(B) The theater would not be as crowded the second night.
(C) He was busy on the first night of the show.
(D) He couldn’t find a friend to go with him the first night.

54-55題為題組 George Bernard Shaw and Winst..-阿摩線上測驗