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The American family is changing very quickly, right in front of our eyes, and these changes are often controversial for many people. One of the most important changes researchers have discovered in the last fifty years or so is that fewer Americans are married. According to research from Washington D.C., from 1960 to 2008, the percentage of married adults in America has declined from 72% to 52%. One reason for this decline might be because there is an increase in the different types of families. A traditional American family, or nuclear family, consists of a mother, a father, and one or two children. However, nowadays, there can be many kinds of people raising children, such as single parents, grandparents, and even homosexual parents. While many Americans have no problem with single parent families as long as the parent has enough time and money to raise a child, others think that children still need two parents in order to have a normal childhood. An even more controversial topic is homosexual families, or gay families. On the one hand, some believe that children need both a mother and a father. On the other hand, others think that it doesn’t matter if a child has two fathers or two mothers, as long as the parents love their children. The fact is that American families are changing rapidly. As these new American families appear, we will also surely see changes in the way people feel about them, good or bad.
【題組】48. According to the passage, all of the following are examples of new types of American families except ________ ?
(A) nuclear families
(B) single parent families
(C) families with grandparents raising children
(D) homosexual families

難度: 簡單
小喵姬 高一下 (2017/08/08)
The American family ☆☆ ...

Jack (2019/01/12)

new types of American families except
關鍵字「新的美國家庭類型,除了!」故選核心家庭 A

The American family is changing very qui..-阿摩線上測驗