
Walking into a convenience store and ordering a cup of steaming hot coffee has become a habit of many of us in Taiwan. Not only does coffee taste great but it gives us a much welcomed boost. Some people, however, are advised to avoid caffeine for medical reasons. To enjoy the flavor of coffee and not to hinder their health too much, these people may then turn to drink decaffeinated coffee. But, is decaf coffee any better than regular coffee even with the removal of caffeine? The whole purpose ofdrinking decaf isthatitdoesn’tcontaincaffeine.Caffeine,besidesbeing very addictive, is said to over-stimulate and dehydrate the body. However, although decaf doesn’t contain caffeine, it still contains several of regular coffee’s other unhealthy ingredients. For instance, your cup of decaf still contains theobromine, which is almost as addictive as caffeine. And it also contains chlorogenic acid, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks. So in terms of the potential damage you could be doing to your body, there isn’t a huge difference. Of course, coffee is in no way as bad for you as cigarettes or excess alcohol, and nobody is saying that you shouldn’t drink coffee at all. But it’s important to be aware of what you are drinking. Although there is no evidence to suggest that drinking coffee does any long term harm to the body, there are links between coffee and high blood pressure and other forms of heart disease. As with most things in life, moderation is the key. Drink sensibly and you’ll be fine. If you’re a very heavy coffee drinker, you’re unlikely to be doing your body any favors, whether it’s decaf coffee or not.
【題組】49. What can we infer from the passage?
(A)Decaf is not as good for health as regular coffee.
(B)Drinking a lot of coffee may cause some heart problems.
(C)Drinking coffee is not popular with people in Taiwan until very recently.
(D)Coffee does as much harm to your health as cigarettes and should be avoided.

難度: 簡單
子瑩 靳 國二下 (2017/01/05)

Although there is ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...


Walking into a convenience store and ord..-阿摩線上測驗