
(A) consider
(B) considered
(C) considering
(D) to consider Passage B Barney Rosset was a great American publisher. He published to his passions, and__21__ on writers when no one else would. He fought for his books—sometimes __22__ to the Supreme Court—and was never motivated primarily by money. The extraordinary list of books he and his colleagues at Grove Press published from 1951 to 1986 profoundly changed our culture. Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Naked Lunch and Tropic of Cancer helped __23__ censorship laws. Beckett, Borges, Bulgakov, Neruda, Oe, Pinter and Stoppard broadened our minds. And there were books that questioned conventional ideas of gender, sexuality or race. Barney was slightly built, with a wonderful, cackling laugh. He’d tell his friends stories about the early days of Grove and, __24__ , his time at the progressive Chicago school that helped shape his political beliefs, because he had a great sense of social responsibility. He knew publishers could change the world with the books they published— __25__ he did it.

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