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請依下文回答第 28 題至第 32 題
  When China’s new leader spoke to the media recently, he said that the Chinese people wish for “more comfortable living conditions and a more beautiful environment.” This, he said, is the goal that China must try, one that is surely shared   28   many Chinese. To reach that goal, however, China needs to grow fast   29   improving the poor conditions of its environment, especially its air and water. China, for one, has a drinking problem. A group of experts discussed the problem at a meeting recently held in Beijing, and most   30   that China’s water crisis looks very terrible.   31   an official report, China is one of 13 countries with serious water shortages. While China has 20% of the world’s population,it   32   holds 6% of the world’s water resources. But the problem is also worsen by its rapid and short-sighted development. 

(A) agreed
(B) denied
(C) doubted
(D) questioned

難度: 適中
吳安 高一上 (2017/01/03)
覺羅幻月 高二上 (2015/05/28)

group of experts discussed the problem at a meeting recently held in Beijingand most agreed thatChina’s water crisis looks very terrible.一個專案小組最近在北京召開的會議上討論這個問題,一致認為,中國的水危機看起來很可怕。

相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/15)
China, for one, has a drinking problem. A group of experts discussed the problem at a meeting recently held in Beijing, and most agreed  that China’s water crisis looks very terrible. 
譬如 ,中國就有一個飲水問題。最近在北京舉行的一次會議上,一組專家討論了這個問題,大多數都認為中國的水危機看起來非常可怕。

30.(A) (A) agreed (B) denied (C) doubted (D) questioned
   (A) 同意
   (B) 否定,否認
   (C) 懷疑;不相信
   (D) 問題;詢問

expert  [ˋɛkspɚt] 專家;能手;熟練者
discusse [dɪˋskʌs] 討論,商談;論述,詳述
recently [ˋrisntlɪ] 最近,不久前,近來
crisis [ˋkraɪsɪs] 危...

請依下文回答第 28 題至第 32 題  When China’s ..-阿摩線上測驗