【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


I needed to hire a new salesperson, and one resume stood __51___ like a sore thumb. The applicant, Ari, was a math major and built robots ___52____ his spare time, clearly not the right skill set for sales. But my boss thought Ari looked interesting, so I called him in for an interview. Sure enough, he bombed it. I reported back to my president that although Ari seemed like a nice guy, __53_____ the 45-minute interview, he didn’t make any eye contact. It was obvious that he lacked the social skills to build relationships __54____ clients. I knew I was in trouble when my president started laughing. “Who cares about eye contact? This is a phone sales job.” We invited Ari back for a second round. Instead of interviewing him, a colleague recommended a different approach, which made it clear that he would be a star. I hired Ari, and he ended up being the best salesperson __55___ my team. I walked away with a completely new way of evaluating talent. Ever since, I’ve been working with organizations on rethinking their selection and hiring processes.
(A) at
(B) with
(C) on
(D) against

難度: 適中

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
Stella Chan 高三上 (2019/06/07):

on my team 在我的團隊


I needed to hire a new salesperson, and ..-阿摩線上測驗