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46-50 為題組
        Small talk is casual conversation that on the surface seems inconsequential. Happening almost everywhere, it can take place between people who do not know each other well and involves short conversations about common interests. Shoppers may use small talk to pass the time while waiting in line to purchase their goods, or a hairdresser might keep up a steady conversation of small talk with client whose hair is being styled at the beauty salon. In a restaurant, a savvy waitress hopes that small talk will help forge a connection with satisfied diners who will then leave a large tip. Co-workers may exchange a few words about the weather at the water cooler. The most common venue for small talk, however, is probably a party or social gathering, where it is used to strike up conversations with strangers. In such situations, a person might even move around the room to take part in small talk with other attendees. Engaging in small talk behavior is also known as “mingling.”

        Although the topics may be insubstantial, the act of engaging in small talk can actually be extremely significant. In many situations, small talk fills uncomfortable silences, setting people at ease. Through small talk, people become acquainted with each other, exchange information, and learn what the other does for a living or participate in for leisure. In ascertaining a sense of each other, people discover common ground. Indeed, small talk is essential to developing relationships. It is the match that lights the fire of friendship. 

        The functions and appropriateness of small talk vary by culture. Suitable topics for small talk are universal. For example, in American culture, questions about personal income are not acceptable, but in Malaysia, salary inquiries are a normal part of small talk. In the United Arab Emirates, where female family life is extremely private, questions about a person’s wife or daughters are off limits. In many cultures, formal business meetings begin with a certain amount of small talk, and how long the small talk lasts will depend on the culture. In a business meeting in Turkey, small talk precedes any business discussions because business relations built on personal rapport and friendship are deemed essential to doing business. Germans, however, tend to consider small talk a waste of time in business meetings and prefer to get right to the point of the meeting. 

        Small talk is normal in many situations and actually necessary in some, where not to engage in small talk is considered rude. For instance, it is terribly impolite to sit alone in a corner at a party or not to exchange a few pleasantries with someone who has just been introduced. Many people, however, disdain small talk as phony, dull, or trivial. Their attitude is interpreted to mean that they are not interested in another person and that they are too busy and important to invest time in getting a sense of the other person. Yet it does not take a lot of time to establish meaningful connections with people through small talk. 

        Another reason the art of small talk is vitally important is that subtle message conveyed are often essentially more powerful than those sent during rehearsed, formal presentations, such as speeches. Hence, this proves why adeptness at a small talk can be crucial in making good first impressions. Adept small talk can be the difference in determining, for instance, whether a person is successful in a job interview. When faced with two candidates of comparable academic qualifications and professional ability, the hiring manager is more likely to choose the candidate who creates a positive impression, establishes fantastic rapport, and creates a comfortable interaction, which good small talk can do. 

        Effective interpersonal communication depends in part on excellent conversational skills, which are founded in the capacity for engaging in small talk. A documented study in the early 1990s of Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduates showed that, a decade after graduation, the successful graduates were those adept at conversation. They could present superbly in front of audiences, talk to virtually anyone, and make people feel at ease. Oral communication skills are one valuable key to success.

【題組】50. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about small talk?
(A) Some cultures do not have a tradition of small talk.
(B) Small talk plays a significant role in many different relationships.
(C) The importance of small talk lies in its functions rather than in its context.
(D) Small talk can vary in its use and subject matter according to culture.

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