
Questions 34 - 37 The Greek myth of Pandora was about the first woman to come into the world. Zeus ordered two gods to bring gifts to all the animals. The god Prometheus thought that man could use fire. However, Zeus jealously guarded the secret of fire. Nevertheless, Prometheus gave fire to man. Out of anger, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create a clay statue, which Zeus brought to life. The statue became the first woman. Then, Zeus ordered the gods to give the woman gifts. She was given intelligence, skill, and curiosity. She was named Pandora, meaning “all-gifted.” Then, Zeus had a box given to Pandora and forbade her to ever open it. Her curiosity got the best of her, though, and she couldn’t help but open the box. When she did, many terrible things such as disease, poverty, and hate came out. By opening the box, Pandora forever changed the world.
【題組】34. What is true about Zeus?
(A) He was searching for the power of fire.
(B) He didn’t want to share the power of fire.
(C) He gave his brothers animals as gifts.
(D) He had a wife named Pandora.

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Questions 34 - 37 The Greek myth of..-阿摩線上測驗