

第26至30題爲題組 There have been numerous attempts to identify the unique traits of Albert Einstein's brain since his death. A recent study conducted by anthropologist Dean Falk 26 that Einstein's brain indeed exhibited some unusual features that may have made him a genius. For one thing,Falk found that the parietal lobes of the great scientist's brain were wider than normal, and its grooves and ridges were oddly patterned. She believes that the novelties in Einstein's lobes may have 27 to his superior ability to conceptualize physics problems. 28 , Falk noted a small and knoblike structure in the motor cortex which has been associated with musical ability. As most people know, Einstein was an avid violinist from childhood on, and the cognitive 29 between music and mathematics has long been in focus of attention. These newly recognized features might help explain how Einstein was able to go 30 no physicist had gone before when he devised the theory of relativity and other groundbreaking insights.
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(B) indicating
(C) who indicates
(D) who is indicated

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第26至30題爲題組 There have been numerous a..-阿摩線上測驗