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Currently, the biggest problem that pandas face is the loss of their natural habitat. This loss is mainly due to deforestation. Because of rapid population growth in the past decades, large areas of natural forest __(36)__ for agriculture timber and human housing. As settlers push up the mountain slopes, panda habitat __(37)__ disappears. Deforestation also threatens the pandas food supply. Pandas feed mainly on bamboo, __(38)__ up to 38 kilograms a day. Without enough forest area, the pandas will starve. __(39)__, every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally bloom and die off. It will __(40)__ several years for the new bamboo shoots to grow back. During this time, many wild pandas have to search for other areas to live in. However, deforestation now leaves them with nowhere else to go.
(A) inevitably
(B) formally
(C) seriously
(D) harmlessly

難度: 適中
業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/04/09)
As settlers push up ☆☆☆ ...

Afra 國三下 (2020/09/16)

seriously 是形容生病、受傷如:seriously injured嚴重地受傷,seriously ill 生重病。消失如何表現其嚴重性呢? 若要說棲地嚴重地被破壞:seriously destructed 比較合適。

啾啾榜上有名 高三下 (2020/09/17)


Currently, the biggest problem that pand..-阿摩線上測驗