
In his presentation at the 1998 Cambridge meeting, James Wilson characterized gene therapy as a novel approach in its very early stages. Its 36____. , he said, is to change the expression of some genes in an attempt to treat, cure, or ultimately 37____. disease. Current gene therapy is primarily experiment based, with a few early human clinical trials under way. Theoretically, he continued, gene therapy can be targeted to somatic (body) or germ (egg and sperm) cells. In somatic gene therapy the recipient's genome is changed, but the 38____. is not passed along to the next generation. This form of gene therapy is 39____. with germline gene therapy, in which a goal is to pass the change on to 40____. . Germline gene therapy is not being actively investigated, 41____. in larger animals and humans, although a lot of discussion is being conducted about its value and desirability. Gene therapy should not be 42____. with cloning, which has been in the 43____. so much in the past year, Wilson continued. Cloning, which is creating another individual with essentially the same genetic makeup, is very different from gene therapy. Listing three scientific 44____. in gene therapy, Wilson emphasized the concept of vehicles called vectors (gene carriers) to deliver therapeutic genes to the patients' cells. 45____. the gene is in the cell, it needs to operate correctly. Patients' bodies may reject treatments, and, finally, there is the need to regulate gene expression. Wilson expressed optimism that many groups are making headway and cooperating to overcome all these obstacles.
(A) anticipate
(B) locate
(C) prevent
(D) resolve

難度: 簡單
ChiaHui(107新北 國三上 (2019/03/28)
(A) anticipate 預期,期望;★★(☆) ...


In his presentation at the 1998 Cambridg..-阿摩線上測驗