
47-50為題組 In Taiwan much time and energy are spent on getting a proper education and finding a good job. As a result, health concerns have been neglected. A new study by the Department of Health in Taiwan shows that more than half of the adult population in Taiwan lacks an understanding of important health problems. More than 2,000 adults took part in the survey to find out about their knowledge of diet, healthcare, disease control, and medication. Surprisingly, only 51 percent of the people surveyed understand that the common cold has no cure. Colds are caused by viruses, not bacteria, so taking medicine is absolutely no use at all. The problem is made worse by doctors who give their patients large doses of useless drugs. More than two-thirds believe that it is only the nicotine in cigarettes rather than the other chemicals that cause cancer. These people believe that if they smoke “light” cigarettes with less nicotine, they will not get cancer. Since 26 percent of Taiwanese adults smoke, such a misunderstanding will lead to more illness, suffering, and early death. But the outlook for health education in Taiwan is not all negative. The survey concludes that younger Taiwanese have a better understanding of health concerns than their parents, while senior citizens have the least understanding among the three age groups.
【題組】48. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE about medicines for colds?
(A) They can cure the common cold.
(B) Many Taiwanese take too many of them.
(C) Doctors often refuse to sell them.
(D) About 51 percent of patients use them.

47-50為題組 In Taiwan much time and energy..-阿摩線上測驗