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26-30題為題組 John: What was the weather like while you were camping? Jack: (26) It rained for a few days towards the end of our holiday, but mostly it was fine. We weren’t able to visit the Rainbow Waterfalls as we planned, but… John: (27) Jack: Well, apart from that, we did everything we wanted to—hiking, fishing and swimming. We even managed to visit an aboriginal village in the forest. John: (28) did you get so far? Jack: We rode bicycles there. We also went to the beach several times. John: Did you take your bikes with you? Jack: No, we rented some at the nearby village. John: Where did you stay (29) ? Jack: Oh, in a lovely valley, about three miles north of the National Park. John: I remember when we went camping last summer. We forgot to take a can-opener along! Jack: (30) Do you know what happened to us? A goat came in our tent at night and ate most of our food!
(A) How often
(B) How on earth
(C) How hard
(D) How was that

難度: 非常困難

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26-30題為題組 John: What was the weather li..-阿摩線上測驗