
31~33 Most heroes are people like you. But what makes them heroes? They find special courage when they need it. They are brave enough to help in an emergency while others may stand by. A hero sees what needs to be done and does it. Sometimes heroes are rewarded for their brave acts. One such reward is the Carnegie Medal. It is given to people who act bravely and face danger to save the lives of others. The medal was named after Andrew Carnegie. In 1886, Carnegie heard about a young man by the name of William Hunter who lost his life trying to save two other boys from drowning. Carnegie became a very rich businessman and set aside money to honor heroes like William. Sometimes these heroes are in need or are hurt. If so, they receive money as well as the Carnegie Medal. Over 6,000 people have received the Carnegie Medal. Some have saved people from drowning or from burning buildings. Others have pulled people in front of moving trains or saved them from attacks by wild animals. All these heroes have one thing in common, however. They put someone else's safety ahead of their own.
【題組】31. The Carnegie Medal is given to those who are
(A) sick and poor.
(B) rich and famous.
(C) young and brave.
(D) unselfish and courageous.

31~33 Most heroes are people like you.B..-阿摩線上測驗