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四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Fat people are discriminated against in the workplace. According to a government study, many employers assume that fat workers will do their jobs slowly and will be sick frequently. Because of these false assumptions, personnel directors are often reluctant to hire people who are more than 20 percent overweight. In addition, fat people earn an average of $4,000 less than thin people do in similar jobs. My own experience as a 295-pound man supports these findings. Although I graduated at the top of my accounting class, classmates with much lower grades than mine were offered jobs long before I was. Although I eventually found employment, I worked hard to prove myself, receive excellent job evaluations, and never missed a day of work in over four years. Yet during that time, several less qualified co-workers were promoted over me, when I complained to my boss, he explained apologetically that a higher position would require me to deal directly with the company’s clients and I simply did not fit the corporate image. In disgust, I quit and am now hunting for another job. I hope that when I find one, my new boss will realize that fat people can be productive and energetic members of the workplace.
【題組】25. What kind of boss is the author trying to find?
(A) Fair.
(B) Generous.
(C) Hard-working.
(D) Thankful

難度: 簡單
Joey 高二下 (2017/04/23)
作者試圖找什麼樣的老闆?(A)  公平........

業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/04/28)

What kind of boss is the author trying to find? (作者想要找到什麼樣的老闆?)

(A) Fair. (公平)

(B) Generous. (大方慷慨) 

(C) Hard-working. (努力工作)

(D) Thankful (感謝)


I hope that when I find one, my new boss will realize that fat people can be productive and energetic members of the workplace.


四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Fat people are ..-阿摩線上測驗