7. Although the twins look identical, th..-阿摩線上測驗
7Rose 國一下 (2024/07/25): 翻譯:儘管這對雙胞胎看起來一模一樣,但他們對幾乎所有話題的看法都大相徑庭。 (A) **disconsolate**
常見搭配詞和例句:disconsolate after the breakup (分手後鬱鬱寡歡)
例句:She was disconsolate after hearing the bad news. (聽到壞消息後,她非常悲傷。)
英文相關同義詞反義詞:depressed, despondent;cheerful, happy
(B) **disconnected**
常見搭配詞和例句:disconnected thoughts (不連貫的想法), disconnected phone line (斷開的電話線)
例句:His speech was disconnected and hard to follow. (他的演講不連貫,很難跟上。)
英文相關同義詞反義詞:disjointed, fragmented;connected, coherent
(C) **divergent**
常見搭配詞和例句:divergent views (不同的觀點), divergent paths (分叉的道路)
例句:Their divergent opinions often led to heated debates. (他們不同的觀點常常引發激烈的辯論。)
英文相關同義詞反義詞:differing, varied;convergent, similar
(D) **distinguished**
常見搭配詞和例句:distinguished career (傑出的職業生涯), distinguished guest (尊貴的客人)
例句:He had a distinguished career in law. (他在法律界有著傑出的職業生涯。)
英文相關同義詞反義詞:eminent, notable;ordinary, unremarkable
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炸蝦 小二下 (2024/08/03): sol 舒適
console(v.) 安慰,安撫,撫慰,慰藉
Her friends tried to console her, telling her "Everything will be fine." He was consoled by the fact that he was young enough to try again the following year. I consoled myself with the thought that no one else could have done any better. disconsolate(a.)
1.憂鬱的;哀傷的,悲不自勝的[(+at/about/over)] She is disconsolate at the death of her cat. 她對貓的死哀傷不已。 The players were disconsolate after losing what should have been an easy game. 輸掉了一場本應該輕鬆取勝的比賽後,全體隊員都感到十分沮喪。 2.令人不快的;慘淡的 diverge(v.)分歧、分開/(of lines, roads, etc.) [記法]di(分離)+verg(傾向)+e→傾向把東西分開
divergent(a.)分歧的、相異的 [記法]di(分離)+verg(傾向)+ent→傾向把東西分開
divergence(n.)分歧、不同意 [記法]di(分離)+verg(傾向)+ence→傾向把東西分開
converge(v.)匯聚、集中一點 [記法]con(一起)+verg(傾向)+e→傾向聚在一起
convergent(a.)匯聚的 [記法]con(一起)+verg(傾向)+ent→傾向聚在一起
consolidate (v.)(使)鞏固;(使)加強 The success of their major product consolidated the firm's position in the market. 公司主打産品取得的成功鞏固了該公司在市場上的地位。 She hoped that marriage would consolidate their relationship.她希望婚姻能鞏固他們的關係。 The party consolidatedits hold on power during its term of office.該黨在執政期間加強了對政權的控制。 (尤指企業)合併,聯合 The two firms consolidated to form a single company.兩家小公司合併成了一家公司。
資料來源 https://quizlet.com/tw/219413698/gre%E5%AD%97%E6%A0%B9-verg-%E5%82%BE%E5%90%91-flash-cards/
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