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第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
  My little brother is so irritating. All day long he says, “Eddie, I wonder why people can talk but animals can’t.” Or, “ I wonder why the ocean looks blue.” Of course, I don’t know the answers, but I don’t let him know that. I just make up reasonable explanations, and he accepts them as if I’m the smartest person in the world. Before I answer one of his questions, I usually tell him that he’s pretty stupid and asks too many questions. 
  Well, yesterday we both got our report cards. I got B’s and C’s, and he got straight A’s. Under the “Comments ” section on my report card, it said, “Eddie would be getting better grades if he asked more questions.” Of course, on my brother’s report card, it said just the opposite. 
  To make things worse, my brother squawked all day about how I was so stupid for not asking questions! I just sighed and told him he was right─I wouldn’t make fun of him anymore for asking so many questions. 
  Yes, I learned a lesson from my little brother: Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to wonder why.

【題組】42.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “irritating” in paragraph one?

難度: 適中
林怡君 幼兒園下 (2015/11/05)
annoying 討厭的;惱人的,使人煩惱的/V.惹惱,使生氣;使煩惱[(+by/at.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Tang Wei Lin 小五上 (2018/01/03)



(B)curious 好奇的;好打聽的

(C)playful 有趣的,鬧著玩的

(D)impolite 不禮貌的,粗魯的

大一上 (2018/11/25)

我的小弟弟非常惱火。他說,“艾迪,我想知道為什麼人們可以說話,但動物不能說話。”或者,“我想知道為什麼海洋看起來很藍。”當然,我不知道答案,但我不讓他知道。我只是做出了合理的解釋,他接受了我們,好像我是世界上最聰明的人。在我回答他的一個問題之前,我經常告訴他,他很愚蠢,問了太多問題。好吧,昨天我們都拿到了報告卡。我得到了B和C,他得到了A的直接。根據我的成績單上的“評論”部分,它說,“如果他問更多問題,Eddie會得到更好的成績。”當然,在我兄弟的成績單上,它恰恰相反。更糟糕的是,我的兄弟整天都在吵鬧,因為我沒有提問,我是多麼愚蠢!我只是嘆了口氣,告訴他他是對的 - 因為問了這麼多問題,我再也不會取笑他了。是的,我從我的弟弟那裡吸取了教訓:不要害怕提問,也不要害怕為什麼

相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/21)
Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “irritating” in paragraph one?
下面哪個詞與第一段中的 "惱人 "意思最接近?

(A) annoying   [əˋnɔɪɪŋ]
(B) curious       [ˋkjʊrɪəs]
(C) playful        [ˋplefəl]
(D) impolite     [͵ɪmpəˋlaɪt]
   (A) 討厭的;惱人的
   (B) 好奇的,渴望知道的
   (C) 愛玩耍的,嬉戲的
   (D) 無禮的

irritating [ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ] 令人惱怒的
irritate [ˋɪrə͵tet] 引起惱怒;引起不愉快
paragraph [ˋpærə͵græf] (文章的)段,節

第 41 題至第 45 題為題組   My little brother is ..-阿摩線上測驗