
四、閱讀測驗 If someone has amnesia, they can’t remember things that happened before. Amnesia can happen when people have an accident and hit their head, or when people get a brain sickness. People with amnesia forget what happened to them and may even forget their names, where they live, or who their friends and family are. Amnesia usually goes away after twenty-four hours or so. After the shock wears off or the sickness passes, people’s memories come back to them. Yet, Clive Wearing’s story is a most unusual one. In 1985, Wearing got a serious brain sickness that wreaked havoc on the part of his brain that holds memories. Because of his sickness, Wearing can’t hold on to new memories for more than a few minutes. He forgets everything as soon as it happens. He spends each day “waking up” every few minutes, because he has already forgotten everything he’s done that day---even waking up. Wearing remembers little of his life before 1985. He knows he has children, but he can’t remember their names. He loves his wife, Deborah. Each time he meets her, he believes he’s seeing her for the first time in many years. He does this even though Deborah may have left the room just minutes before. Having such a bad memory is hard to imagine. Of course, it hasn’t been easy for the Wearings, and Deborah has written a book about her husband’s amnesia called Forever Today, and Clive’s story has been told in a TV show. Because of his memory problem, Wearing can’t work anymore and now lives in a special home for people with brain injuries.
【題組】50. What does wreaked havoc in the second paragraph mean?
(A) Left a message.
(B) Gave out light.
(C) Caused damage.
(D) Offered help.

難度: 簡單
tic520 國三上 (2015/10/12)
wreak ha.....看完整詳解
南信 大二下 (2016/01/08)

wreak 發洩、造成破壞等v.              havoc 大破壞、大混亂n.

(A) Left a message. 留言
(B) Gave out light. 照出光線
(C) Caused damage. 造成損害
(D) Offered help.提供幫忙

Giselle 小六下 (2016/07/16)
In 1985, Wearing got a serious brain sickness that wreaked havoc on the part of his brain that holds memories.

wreak [rik]  (V) 造成(破壞等)
havoc  [ˋhævək] (V) 大破壞,浩劫

(B) give out 分發, 散發

四、閱讀測驗 If someone has amnesia, they ca..-阿摩線上測驗