
A small selection of people in China will finally be able to use banned sites including Facebook, Twitter and other 'politically sensitive' links. The ban was placed on the sites in 2009 after riots in the country and China's ruling Communist Party has restricted access ever since. Yet, people living and working in a new free-trade zone in Shanghai - which covers just 17-square-miles - will be allowed to visit these sites soon, according to reports in the South Chin. China's Communist Party censors the internet, routinely deleting online postings and blocking access to websites it thinks inappropriate or politically sensitive. Facebook and Twitter were blocked because the authorities believed that the deadly riots in the western province of Xinjiang were supported by these social networking sites. The New York Times had also been blocked since reporting that the family of then-Premier Wen Jiabao had collected a huge fortune. South China Morning Post quoted a government source as saying the idea of unblocking websites in the Free Trade Zone is to make foreigners 'feel like at home'. 'If they can't get onto Facebook or read The New York Times, they may naturally wonder how special the free-trade zone is compared with the rest of China,' the source added. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that making Facebook available in China is in keeping with his company's goal of connecting the world. Earlier this month, Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg met with the head of China's State Council Information Office during a visit to Beijing. The pair discussed Facebook's importance as Chinese enterprises continue to expand abroad and various cooperation matters around that. Twitter will also benefit by being available in China, the world's largest Internet market by users. Still, many Chinese Web users already use similar services, such as Sina Corp's Weibo. China's three biggest telecoms companies - China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom - had been informed of the decision to allow foreign competition in the Free Trade Zone, but they had not raised complaints because they knew the decision had been endorsed by Chinese leadership, who has backed the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
【題組】29. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) China's telecoms companies were opposed to allowing foreign competition in the Free-Trade Zone.
(B) Sheryl Sandberg went to Beijing and discussed Facebook's importance with the head of China's State Council Information Office.
(C) The purpose of unblocking websites in the Free Trade Zone is to make citizens of China feel like at home.
(D) Facebook denied that it was responsible for the riots in the western province of Xinjiang in

難度: 適中
許慧詮 幼兒園下 (2021/04/21)

“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/05/14)

中國的一小部分人最終將能夠使用禁止的網站,包括Facebook,Twitter和其他“政治敏感”鏈接。在該國發生騷亂之後,中國執政的共產黨從此開始限制進入後,該禁令在2009年被放置在這些網站上。然而,根據南中國的報導,在上海的一個新自由貿易區生活和工作的人們 - 只佔17平方英里 - 將被允許很快訪問這些網站。

中國共產黨審查互聯網,定期刪除在線帖子並阻止訪問它認為不合適或者政治敏感的網站。 Facebook和Twitter被封鎖,因為當局認為西部新疆的致命騷亂得到了這些社交網站的支持。自從報導說,當時的溫家寶總理的家人收集了一筆巨額財富後,“紐約時報”也遭到封殺。



A small selection of people in China wil..-阿摩線上測驗